29 April 2007

"Prejudice is a disease we can never get rid of." Discuss.

Prejudice, according to the dictionary, is the intolerance of or dislike for people because they belong to a specific race, religion, or group. This is an unavoidable phenomenon in our society. We all grow up hearing different views on people belonging to races or religion different from ours. The term socialisation is used to describe this. Since young, we have heard various issues, predominently notorious ones about other races from our parents and therefore developed this racism. The stories, just like diseases, are passed on from one generation to another and this attributes to the prejudice which can never be got rid of.

Because many people have a narrow interpretation on a particular idea, it is likely that they will stick to that idea. We all think that we are the best and hence excludes other people who are different from us. The mindset is deeply rooted and very difficult to eradicate.

For example, not long ago, the sports shows on cable TV employed female hosts like Jamie Yeo and Charlie Webster. Although it is a breakthrough for these female hosts, they have received derogatory comments. Some sports fans even lament that they are just eye-candies. This is a perfect example to illustrate the point. People just assume that women have no knowledge of sports and dismiss them quickly. But in real they may perform equally professional as men do.

Thus prejudice will be in our society forever because there are too many differences among different groups of people. It is not easy for us to accept other cultures, languages and rituals. However, we can create a harmonious environment by being amiable and approachable to people and not judge them by their colours.


Agatha Seow said...
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Agatha Seow said...

I feel that your example given is well elaborated and it was a very good illustration of prejudice in our country and in current context. However, i felt that the statement "Since young, we have heard various issues, predominantly notorious ones about other races from our parents and therefore developed this racism," is quite a vague assumption. It is not true that what we hear are mainly bad issues about other races. If this is so, there would have been more chaos than what we are experiencing now- a rather peaceful society. On the overall, i find this post well done.

wahwah said...

Hi chen jie…..I have read your blog entry and felt that you had used numerous profound vocabularies that I have to use thesaurus to find out the meanings. That is so tiring but at least I get to know more words. :} It is good that you are clear in your stand but I do not understand certain point. For example, you stated “We all think that we are the best and hence excludes other people who are different from us.” Though I agree wtih you that we usually think we are the best, but I am curious that if that includes those who are being prejudiced and discriminated by others? Then those minorities being prejudiced will “look down” on those who are bias against them. Maybe you can elaborate on that point. However, I think you have given a very good example about the two female hosts and explained how this example linked to your stand. Anyway, you have written well and continue to keep up the good work! Bye, and truly, I have enjoyed reading your blog.